• Posted by Meghan on 05 May 2010

Thanks for all of your prayers! Andy was in surgery for about 45 minutes and then the doctor came to see us in the waiting room and said that everything went well. We had to wait another 45 minutes to go see him in the recovery room but when we got there he was awake and taking fluids. He finished the bottle in a hurry and then had brunch. 🙂
Andy has been very sleepy this afternoon but otherwise seems just fine. For the next few days he gets a tub soak each time he has a dirty diaper and then he gets 3 soaks a day for 10-14 days. The doctor said everything should heal up by then and we have a follow up visit at the end of May.

  • Posted by Meghan on 04 May 2010

Andy is having a little surgery tomorrow on his bottom. He has a fistula and the doctors tell us it is an easy surgery. We have to be at the hospital at 7:30am and his surgery is at 9am. He will be out for about 30 minutes but the surgery should only last about 10 minutes. Please pray that the surgery goes well, that the doctors are well rested and alert and that he tolerates the anesthesia well. We will post an update when we get home from Riley Hospital.

  • Posted by Meghan on 22 Apr 2010

Tonight we gathered our courage and set out for a night of baseball. We packed Eden dinner and picked up Jimmy John’s on the way for us. The weather turned cloudy just as we arrived at the field but we were prepared and had packed layers! We met Matt Mindrum there and we all sat on blankets in the grass, ate dinner, and then took turns chasing Eden. We probably watched a total of 5 minutes of the game, but enjoyed being outside and letting Eden get some exercise. We had to leave the game early to put the kids to bed. We changed them both into pj’s in the trunk of the car before we left and they both fell asleep on the drive home. All in all we count it a success and I think we are all looking forward to future baseball games!

  • Posted by Meghan on 21 Apr 2010

Andy turned two months old on April 20. He is getting really big (14 lbs 4 oz, and 25 inches long at his two month check up). He has started to “talk” a lot and is very drooly. He is awake a lot during the day and sleeps for two 5-6 hour stretches at night. He smiled for the first time at me last week and he loves to watch Eden playing. He really likes it when Eden gets down next to him and talks to him.

We travelled to Pittsburgh and Akron this weekend and Andy was great (Eden was really good, too!). He slept pretty much the entire time in the car. He has also started to really use his pacifier. We upgraded to the nuk instead of the newborn pacifier that we were given at the hospital and it has been funny watching him figure out how to hold on to it.

We hope that you enjoy the pictures of our giant baby boy!

  • Posted by Meghan on 07 Apr 2010

Well, we all survived the first week of the kids and me being home alone. It was a good week because Ben worked from home on Tuesday, he took a half day on Wednesday because I had an appointment and my friend, Carey, came on Friday because Andy had an appointment. The nice weather has been played a part in our success. We have been able to go on walks and play outside. Today I set up the sprinkler and Eden and I played while Andy relaxed in his bouncy seat on the porch. I posted some pictures which I hope you’ll enjoy.

We have had several health issues over the past few weeks. Eden had a rash on her neck then ended up testing positive on her latest TB test. Her chest x-ray was negative so she doesn’t actually have TB but was exposed to it at some point in her past. Most recently, Andy had an abscess on his little butt. Hopefully the kids are on the mend and we can make it through this week without a trip to see the doctor.

We hope that you had a blessed Easter and that you were able to spend time with friends and family celebrating the resurrection!

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