We had an ultrasound last Thursday at the Mother Baby Hospital here. The ultrasound machine is quite old and doesn’t give a very big or very clear picture, so we went to a private clinic yesterday for another ultrasound. Both doctors told us (one 60% and one 80%) that the baby is a girl!
Her name is Grace Elizabeth after my two great-grandmothers on my Mom’s side. Eden has taken to calling her Little Gracie. It was very fun to see her on the ultrasound. Yesterday we were able to see a lot of clear pictures and hear her heartbeat. Her limbs were all there, her brain looked good and her spine was perfect. We even got to see a quick image of her cute little face!
We are so glad that everything is going well and that she is healthy and we’re very excited to have another daughter!

Tomorrow you can start to vote for Andy on the Gerber website. You can vote once per day per computer/email address. To vote, you click on Andy’s picture, fill out the requested info, and then vote. Then it sends you an email and you have to click on the link in the email in order for your vote to actually go through.
Andy is on a yellow background and you can search for him on the website. Just click on ‘Vote for Andy’ below and it will take you to the website. Thanks! 
Vote for Andy
We all came home from the hospital on Monday night. Meghan was allowed 48 hours in the hospital and I stayed with her the whole time (on a very small pull out bed). We had people at the house watching Eden which was nice for her and helpful for us.
Eden has adjusted nicely to having a baby brother. She loves walking up to him and saying “Baby”. (We’re still trying to get her to say “Andy.”) We take this as a win because she sees pictures/videos of herself and also says Baby!
Her sleeping hasn’t taken any hits with the addition of Andy. We knew she could sleep through anything before but now we know she can also sleep through a crying baby. Luckily Andy can also sleep in the same room when Eden is crying, I guess he heard it enough while in the womb to be used it by now! As a second stroke of luck, I (Ben) can also sleep through Andy’s cries in our room at night. This comes in handy when Andy is asking to be fed at 2 and 5 in the morning! (Don’t worry, I can’t sleep through Meghan poking me and telling me to go get Andy a change of clothes though…)
I’m taking one more week off of work to help set up some sort of schedule with Eden and Andy and to let Meghan rest up during the day. The following week Donna and Lauren are coming to stay for a few days. Hopefully by then Andy is sleeping through the night! 😉 (One can dream at least, right??)
Andrew Benjamin Wolfe was born on Feb 20th at 7:42 pm. He was a sizeable 8 pounds and 21 inches! Meghan did a lot of hard work and is quite tired today. Painful contractions started around 9am, got some Nubane around 4pm, and started pushing about 6pm. He has been sleeping on and off now…which is about how his parents are sleeping too! More pictures are over on the photos page.
Well, the magical day has come…and gone. The day that we had waited for and planned for passed uneventfully for us. February 18 was my due date and Andy apparently decided that he didn’t care that Ben and I were ready and waiting for him. Instead I have been scheduled for an induction on Saturday morning. We are to present ourselves on the Labor and Delivery floor at the hospital at 6:30 Saturday morning, things will start rolling, and Andy will hopefully make his debut sometime Saturday afternoon. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers and we will be sure to post an update and pictures as soon as possible!