Sarah is six months old and had her check up today. She is growing way too fast! Sarah can sit up and roll from her back to her belly. She is very smiley and recently has had some stranger anxiety. She loves Ben more than pretty much everyone else.
Sarah has been eating a lot of different foods. She’s had carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, green beans, pears, apples and baby oatmeal. She eats oatmeal for breakfast every morning and three “cubes” of fruit or veggies for dinner every night. She gets a bottle at 8pm and was sleeping until 4am then until 7:30, but the last couple of nights she’s gone until 5am or 6am and then until 7:30.
Sarah is still a happy baby and very content. It helps that she’s constantly fawned over by her siblings. She loves her paci, she loves to snuggle and she loves to eat! At her appointment she weighed 16 lbs and was 26 3/4 inches long.
It’s hard to believe that Grace is 3 already! She certainly acts like a 3 year old, but still looks like a 2 year old. We finally had her appointment last week and she weighed a massive 23 lbs (fully clothed) and is 35 inches tall. The nurse said, “You’re such a peanut!” and Gracie told her, “I not a peanut! I Dracie!”
Grace has become quite an attention hog, which often ticks off her big sister. She sings and dances like a ballerina and loves to snuggle up in our laps or ask to be in a family hug. She’s also really funny these days saying all kinds of grown up things and then the next minute crossing her arms and harumphing while she pouts. She’s also mastered a really funny fake cry which is pretty realistic, but just makes us laugh. Her favorite foods are oatmeal and salad and she often chooses bananas over sweets.
She started gymnastics in January and LOVES it. It’s so funny to watch her in her own class out in the gym. At her first class they warmed up in the front, then were told to put their hands on their hips and follow their teacher over to the beams. Grace stood up, put her hands on her hips and started to walk away. Then she stopped, turned her head toward me and gave me a big wink before heading on to the beams.
Gracie is very interested in princesses and loves to wear “bootiful” clothes and carry wands. She likes having her hair braided like Elsa and getting her nails painted. She can’t wait to go to school next year and thinks she’s big stuff because she was promoted out of the baby hallway at church. Grace is constantly collecting things: loose change, glass stones, small toys, beads, etc. and tucks them into her socks, shoes and purses, claiming them as hers. She is very proud to be a big sister and loves holding Sarah and is, for the most part, quick to try to please others. You can count on Grace to be a “helper”, especially when it comes to helping me cook. 🙂
Sarah is five months today! She’s getting so big and continues to be easy going and pleasant. She’s had a cold this past week, but it hasn’t bothered her too much, other than waking up a couple of extra times each night because her nose is stuffy and she can’t suck on her paci which makes her really mad.
She can sit up by herself for short periods of time and is SO close to rolling from back to front. She’s such a content baby that she’s really had no interest in rolling. She’s happy to just lay on her back and look around or lay on her tummy and check things out, but the kids and I have been making her practice and she’s almost got it!
She started rice cereal this month and loves to eat at the dinner table with us. It took her a couple of days to get the hang of it, but now she gobbles it down. Sarah likes to play in her exersaucer and still enjoys rocking in her swing. One of her favorite things is to have her diaper changed and she recently discovered the joy of snuggling with a lovey which is very sweet.
Sarah is on a great schedule, although I think she’s getting ready to drop down to two naps a day. She sleeps 9pm-9am, waking at 6 to eat. I would love it if Sarah would bump that early feed to 7, but she is a fast eater and goes right back to sleep, so I’m not complaining! 🙂
Sarah finally had her 4 month check up today. She was 13lbs, 13oz and 25 1/2 inches long. She is pretty much always happy and has been caught laughing a couple of times. (check out her cute laugh: She loves sitting at the table with the family during meals and has even started hanging out in her exersaucer.
She now reaches for toys and tries to put everything into her mouth. She has almost figured out how to get her paci back in without assistance (yay!) and sleeps 9pm to 7am. Sometimes she wakes up during the night and “sings” to herself for a bit before going back to sleep. It’s a little hard to sleep through but is pretty cute. 🙂