Andy turned 3 months on May 20. It is hard to believe that he is so old already! He had his three month check up today and there was a newborn in the waiting room. I couldn’t believe how big Andy looked compared to him. Then we went in to the office and found out why Andy looked so big. He weighed 16 pounds, 10 ounces (97th percentile) and was 26 1/2 inches long (off the charts!).
He is drooling a lot and constantly tries to suck on his fingers even though we keep trying to push the pacifier. He has more control of his head and likes to sit up on our laps. He rolled from his back to his side on Thursday and is sleeping from about 7:30pm until 5:30am. He smiles a lot and loves getting hugs from his big sister.
Eden turned 17 months on May 12. She is very busy these days. She recently got a swing for the porch and loves to relax outside. She is now tall enough to reach objects on the counter (yikes!) and is getting very good at feeding herself. She wants to be included in everything and likes to stand on chairs to watch me cook, do my make-up or give Andy a bath. She recently experienced the deliciousness of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as well as goldfish crackers. Today she decided that she is in love with Elmo. We already made a trip to the library to get an Elmo video. We uploaded some recent pictures of Eden and we hope you enjoy them!
Thanks for all of your prayers! Andy was in surgery for about 45 minutes and then the doctor came to see us in the waiting room and said that everything went well. We had to wait another 45 minutes to go see him in the recovery room but when we got there he was awake and taking fluids. He finished the bottle in a hurry and then had brunch. 🙂
Andy has been very sleepy this afternoon but otherwise seems just fine. For the next few days he gets a tub soak each time he has a dirty diaper and then he gets 3 soaks a day for 10-14 days. The doctor said everything should heal up by then and we have a follow up visit at the end of May.
Andy is having a little surgery tomorrow on his bottom. He has a fistula and the doctors tell us it is an easy surgery. We have to be at the hospital at 7:30am and his surgery is at 9am. He will be out for about 30 minutes but the surgery should only last about 10 minutes. Please pray that the surgery goes well, that the doctors are well rested and alert and that he tolerates the anesthesia well. We will post an update when we get home from Riley Hospital.
I’ve updated our photo gallery to have a few new features:
- You can now “download” any of the full size images. There is a download link in the upper right near the close button.
- You can now upload your own amazingly cute photos of Ben…or if you have some of Eden, Andy, or Meghan we’ll take those too! There is an upload box near the bottom of the photos page.
For the three of you that are technically minded and actually care: the picture gallery is powered by a great jquery plugin called yoxview.