Clearly the blog has suffered since we’ve been back in the US and life has been so hectic, but I didn’t realize that it had been quite so long since I last wrote. Here’s a quick update on everyone:
Ben- He really enjoys his job and is working from home almost every day now. We love getting to have lunch with him and the commute is pretty great as well 😉 Ben broke his wrist playing soccer in February and had to have surgery to put a plate in. His soccer days are now over (according to me!), but he did get to return to basketball last week and is quite happy about that.
Meghan- I’m doing well, and am enjoying pregnancy number 3. I’m 30 weeks now and Sarah is busy flipping and flopping, especially at night. She measured right on at her 28 week ultrasound and now we’re seeing the doctor every two weeks. We’ve stayed busy this summer with weekly trips to local parks and I’m looking forward to settling into more of a routine after school starts back up.
Eden- Eden is 5 1/2 now and starts kindergarten at the end of July! We can’t believe she’s old enough to go to school. She’ll go for a full day and will ride the bus. She’s very excited about both of those things and has been busy making plans about her new backpack, school clothes and school supplies. Eden moved to a new bedroom last week in preparation for Sarah, so she and Grace now share a pink room. She loves it (although gets easily annoyed by Grace talking to herself in bed) and shows everyone that comes over her new room. Her first tooth fell out a few weeks ago and she has another one that is loose. She’s still a good big sister, and likes to make plans, schedules and rules for everyone to follow.
Andy- Andy is still all boy, but has grown a lot in the past year and is much better at listening and following directions. He loved preschool and can’t wait to start the 4’s class in August. He joined his sisters at gymnastics this year and really like his class.
Andy was also able to attend VBS this summer and had a great time! He is still fascinated by cars and has developed an interest in legos as well. He can spend hours building with his legos and driving his cars around in his room. Andy and Eden attended soccer camp last week and he really got into it. Ben and I both enjoyed watching him catch onto the skills and concepts of soccer and he thinks he wants to play in the fall.
Grace- At 2 1/2 Grace’s personality is much bigger than her body. She finally hit 20 lbs and it’s funny to watch her run around and hear her talk because she is so tiny. She copies everything her brother and sister do and thinks she’s the boss of the house. Grace isn’t afraid of anything (except bugs) and she often makes our hearts race as she climbs, jumps and runs around chasing Eden and Andy. She’s very excited about Sarah coming, but we anticipate her excitement will diminish once Sarah actually arrives and Grace is no longer the baby. Gracie loves sleeping in her new big girl bed, or at least being in her new big girl bed. We’re still working on the actual sleeping part, because being in a room with Eden AND in a big girl bed is apparently just too exciting. 
We’ve had a busy summer so far with a wedding in May (all the kids were in it and were practically perfect!), many weekend trips to Wisconsin, Pittsburgh, Chicago, West Lafayette and Ohio and we have another wedding coming up in August. We hope your summer is going well and look forward to seeing many of you as the summer continues!