We’ve made it halfway home! The three of us are now sitting in our hotel in Amsterdam for the next 20 hours or so. We had a slight scare getting checked in because they had to try a few times to add Eden onto Meghan’s ticket. Eventually I think they just brought somebody over that was more competent and she got things done. We also had a scare trying to get into Holland. Apparently Kenyans need a visa to get in…so they wouldn’t let us out of the airport. Luckily theres a few hotels attached to AMS and one had vacancy. (Unfortunately the other room I booked via Priceline.com is non-refundable.)
Eden did very well on the plane. She was cranky for about 10 minutes before her nap, but then settled down and slept for 3 hours! The rest of the time she played with her toys, practiced her standing skills, or showed off for other passengers.
The flight was operated by Kenya Airways. I’ve never flown out of NBO in the morning and so never flown this leg on a KQ plane. The other times I’ve flown on KQ they’ve had amazing service…and this trip was no exception. The food was 100 times better than KLM’s, the attendants were nicer, and the plane was not as crowded. In fact, because the plane was so empty we were able to switch up to the bulkhead seats so Eden had some space to play and a bassinet to sleep in.
I took a quick video of Eden sitting nicely and eating her breakfast on the plane: http://blip.tv/file/2917189.
So God is constantly making Himself more visible to us throughout the adoption process. He has worked in amazing ways already and today was further proof that He has a plan for our family. The day that we got Eden’s passport we emailed the embassy to get an expedited visa appointment. We had not heard back from them and decided that we would make our own arrangements and plan to travel to Nairobi on Tuesday and just show up at the embassy and wait for them to see us. Ben booked our flight for 8:45 Tuesday morning (the first flight out) and a flight home for 4 Tuesday afternoon (the last flight back). I made one last ditch effort this afternoon to follow their procedures and tried to call the non-immigrant visa office in hopes of making an appointment. No one answered and so I called the American Services Center. The woman there offered to walk down to the non-immigrant visa office and see what she could find out. When she got back on the phone she told me that she needed Eden’s passport info and that we needed to be at the embassy by 8 on Tuesday morning. I called Ben and we both immediately flew into action. I started packing and he called the airport. The last flight to Nairobi left at 5 and we had to be there at 4:30. Did I mention that all of this was happening at 4?

Thankfully God wanted us here at 8am and I had us packed in 10 minutes (an amazing feat considering that it took me 4 weeks to pack to come to Kenya). Ben borrowed Sam’s car (again) and we drove very, very quickly to the airport. We pulled in at 4:35 and made it to the waiting area with 15 minutes to spare. Ben spent that 15 minutes booking us a room and finding transportation from the airport to the guest house and I spent it trying to calm Eden down who was suffering after getting immunized today.
The flight is only 35 minutes but Ben and I were both apprehensive since Eden already wasn’t feeling well and neither of us felt like we had had time to adequately prepare for the journey. However, she did GREAT!! She sat on my lap and played the entire trip.
A few people had recommended this bed and breakfast in Nairobi called Mayfield Guesthouse. Its run by the AIM organization. Its a pretty nice house with nice people (most are missionaries), good food (almost American), a large number of rooms (20+), free internet … and then shared bathrooms. :-/ We’re leaving about an hour before breakfast is served, so I’m hoping we’re not waiting in line tomorrow for showers.
We’ll send another update out tomorrow hopefully with good news from the embassy!
Here’s my attempt at a quick update. The flight to Amsterdam was uneventful and actually passed pretty quickly. We got to our hotel in Amsterdam (which was fabulous), took a nap and then ventured out into town. We were given a map at the hotel to nearby restaurants which made us pretty brave. We walked a very long way in our flip-flops and after circling the block several times found a cute little Italian restaurant. The food was great and our waiter spoke wonderful English and had visited to the US before. He told us that since it was getting late it would be best for us to take a bus. He assured us that we could just hop on the 198 route and take it to Station NS. We confidently went out (because we’re such world travelers) and found the bus stop. The ride was uneventful and the driver told us when to get off. The problem occurred when we got off the bus and realized we had no idea where we were or which direction our hotel was in. We walked a very long way aimlessly heading towards the one building that we recognized as being near our hotel from our shuttle ride from the airport. We laughed at ourselves the entire way which helped the walk go quickly.
The next day we got up bright and early and headed to the airport. To our surprise it turned out that 3 guys from the Boston group were on our flight and it was really nice to see familiar faces! The flight was almost 11 hours which was just WAY too long but I walked a lot and bothered Ben a lot so it wasn’t too horrible.

We got to the Monkey Valley Resort last night around 11:30. It was really dark and it was raining. Our house is very nice but I had no idea what the world outside looked like. Ben did say as we were going to sleep that the sound which I thought was a heater (in my dreams…the place was freezing!) was the ocean.
I was SHOCKED when I woke up this morning and looked out the window. We are practically IN the ocean! It’s beautiful even though it’s been cloudy and rainy today. We’re not exactly roughing it here and I’ve spent a very romantic morning by myself watching the rainbows, breaching whales and horseback riders on the beach from my balcony.

I’m including a couple of pictures of our ‘master suite’ and our view. I’ll work on getting some better pictures of the whales but with the clouds my pictures weren’t turning out. Ben will post our other pictures tonight. We miss you all and appreciate your comments and emails!