Andy turned two months old on April 20. He is getting really big (14 lbs 4 oz, and 25 inches long at his two month check up). He has started to “talk” a lot and is very drooly. He is awake a lot during the day and sleeps for two 5-6 hour stretches at night. He smiled for the first time at me last week and he loves to watch Eden playing. He really likes it when Eden gets down next to him and talks to him.
We travelled to Pittsburgh and Akron this weekend and Andy was great (Eden was really good, too!). He slept pretty much the entire time in the car. He has also started to really use his pacifier. We upgraded to the nuk instead of the newborn pacifier that we were given at the hospital and it has been funny watching him figure out how to hold on to it.
We hope that you enjoy the pictures of our giant baby boy!
Eden turned 16 months on the 12th! She is running, jumping, talking, kissing, and hugging all the time! We recently counted her vocabulary: she can say over 50 words already! She can climb on and off the couches and dining room chairs by herself! …and we had to lower her crib down a notch last week to prevent her from reaching a leg over the edge. She has no fear! (yet)
I just posted five new videos! Go check them out to see Eden showing off and a two month old video from Andy’s birthday!
Well, we all survived the first week of the kids and me being home alone. It was a good week because Ben worked from home on Tuesday, he took a half day on Wednesday because I had an appointment and my friend, Carey, came on Friday because Andy had an appointment. The nice weather has been played a part in our success. We have been able to go on walks and play outside. Today I set up the sprinkler and Eden and I played while Andy relaxed in his bouncy seat on the porch. I posted some pictures which I hope you’ll enjoy.
We have had several health issues over the past few weeks. Eden had a rash on her neck then ended up testing positive on her latest TB test. Her chest x-ray was negative so she doesn’t actually have TB but was exposed to it at some point in her past. Most recently, Andy had an abscess on his little butt. Hopefully the kids are on the mend and we can make it through this week without a trip to see the doctor.
We hope that you had a blessed Easter and that you were able to spend time with friends and family celebrating the resurrection!
Wow! The month has gone by so quickly! We have been very busy adjusting to life with Andy in our home and it’s amazing how much he has changed in such a short amount of time. Eden is still getting used to having to share our time and attention with Andy but overall I think we are all doing a great job.
Both kids had a check up on Monday. Andy was 10 lbs 7oz and 23 inches long. He is sleeping 3 hours at a time during the day and sometimes going about 4 hours at night. He loves to snuggle up with us for his naps and has become very wiggly recently, waving his arms around and kicking his legs.
Eden just turned 15 months and she weighed 22 lbs 10 oz and was 31 1/2 inches long. She loves giving kisses and hugs, especially to Andy. She has no fear and climbs on everything and loves to jump off, no matter how high.
We’ve received so much help and support from our families and friends and we are so thankful. This transition would have been difficult without you!
We all came home from the hospital on Monday night. Meghan was allowed 48 hours in the hospital and I stayed with her the whole time (on a very small pull out bed). We had people at the house watching Eden which was nice for her and helpful for us.
Eden has adjusted nicely to having a baby brother. She loves walking up to him and saying “Baby”. (We’re still trying to get her to say “Andy.”) We take this as a win because she sees pictures/videos of herself and also says Baby!
Her sleeping hasn’t taken any hits with the addition of Andy. We knew she could sleep through anything before but now we know she can also sleep through a crying baby. Luckily Andy can also sleep in the same room when Eden is crying, I guess he heard it enough while in the womb to be used it by now! As a second stroke of luck, I (Ben) can also sleep through Andy’s cries in our room at night. This comes in handy when Andy is asking to be fed at 2 and 5 in the morning! (Don’t worry, I can’t sleep through Meghan poking me and telling me to go get Andy a change of clothes though…)
I’m taking one more week off of work to help set up some sort of schedule with Eden and Andy and to let Meghan rest up during the day. The following week Donna and Lauren are coming to stay for a few days. Hopefully by then Andy is sleeping through the night! 😉 (One can dream at least, right??)