The last couple of months have been very busy for us and we haven’t been very good about updating our blog. So, here is a quick update of what we have all been up to and also a long update of what we have planned for the next several months. 
Andy: In the last couple of posts I forgot to include Andy’s stats from his 1 year check up. Andy weighed 25 lbs, 6 oz, and was 30 1/2 inches. He had tubes put in his ears on March 14 and did really well with the surgery. He hasn’t had a sniffle since the surgery (pretty much the first time since birth!).
Eden: She still loves attention and is talking so much now. After church today she told us about what she did in Sunday school and it was fun to be able to have a conversation with her. She had a touch of pneumonia at the end of February which landed her in the ER. We’ve upped her nebulizer treatments and now she does two a day to help strengthen her lungs.
Meghan: I’ve spent a majority of my days in the last month packing; packing for Kenya and packing to move out of our house. I’m also scheduling and shuttling to many doctor appointments for vaccines and check ups before the trip. I’m tired of the chaos in our house but I’m thankful for all of the help we’ve had.
Ben: Ben has been busy doing all of the legwork for our trip. He has scheduled flights and rides, bought a van and cell phones and leased our house and is selling our car.
We leave for Kenya on April 6 and fly to JFK, then to Amsterdam where we have a 14 hour layover and then to Nairobi. From Nairobi we will rent a taxi and ride to Eldoret. Even though it will take about 4 hours to drive instead of 1 to fly, we decided that it would be nice to have a more flexible trip after spending 18 hours on planes and it is cheaper than paying overage fees for all of our bags.
We have a brand new house that we are renting in Eldoret. The house was built by a Kenyan family that we lived with when we were first given custody of Eden. We will be in the compound with all of the IU people which is really nice and it will be fun to have our own house. The house has three bedrooms and a porch and that’s about all we know about it.
Ben bought a minivan from Japan that will be shipped to Mombasa, Kenya in a couple of weeks. It’s a 2004 gold van with DVD and navigation systems. It holds eight people and looks like it has a fair amount of trunk space as well. Ben and a friend will fly to Mombasa after the van arrives and then they will drive it back to Eldoret. We are looking forward to having our own vehicle this time, especially since we will have 2 carseats every place we go!
We will continue to update the blog while we are gone so that you can stay up to date on our travels, life in Eldoret and Eden’s adoption. Please keep us in mind over the next 8 months and remember to fill us in on your lives. We’ll miss a lot while we are gone and will look forward to hearing about things in the states.
Last, but most important, here are some ways that you can pray for us:
- Travel: Please pray that we would have safe and efficient travel and that the kids will be pleasant.
- Adjustment: Pray that we will all adjust to the time change, new house, new food, new weather, new people, etc. There will be a lot of changes and we all need to be flexible.
- Health: We (mostly Meghan) have a lot of fears about the health of the kids with the extended time on the plane and exposure to new germs and unusual diseases in Kenya. We anticipate colds and intestinal issues, but hope to avoid more extreme issues such as TB.
- Adoption: The point of this trip is to complete Eden’s adoption. Pray that the court process goes smoothly and quickly and that Eden will legally be a permanent member of our family as soon as possible. Also pray for our petition to return to the US. That is the most daunting part of our trip.