Andy and Colin shared a special day this month as Andy turned 11 months and Colin turned….a little bit older than that. 🙂 Andy is really into peek-a-boo and loves to clap when someone else claps. He’s walking more without being forced to do it and he is much better at standing alone. He makes a break for the stairs whenever he sees the gate at the bottom left ajar just a tiny bit.
Andy has pretty much stopped eating baby food which means we don’t really have many leftovers. He is an eating champ and these days eats 1/4 cup of baby oatmeal and 2 sausage links for breakfast, which is more than Eden eats. Plus he’s then hungry again 3 hours later!
We’re looking forward to celebrating Andy’s 1st birthday, even though we can’t believe how quickly the year has flown by!

After less than a month of crawling Andy is ready to take the world on two feet at a time!
PLUS, Meghan took a video earlier today of Andy clapping and playing peek-a-boo. He’s really growing up (too) quickly!
On December 20th, Andy turned 10 months old. He is so much fun right now! He is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up on everything. He can crawl up the stairs (but only when we forget to close the gate), and he walks behind his car. He makes kissing noises, tickles his lips and sticks his tongue out at us.
He loves being able to play with Eden and pushes her around in his little car which makes them both happy. Andy recently began expressing his dislike for riding alone in the backseat, he especially hates it now because Eden recently started talking to him and playing games with him in the car.
Andy had a wonderful Christmas and did really well with all of our travels and time with family. We hope that you had a Merry Christmas and that you have a safe and happy 2011!

At the time of our post Eden had not been to see the doctor. At her appointment she weighed 26 lbs, 2 ounces and was 34 1/2 inches long. She gained 2 1/2 pounds and grew two inches since her 18 month check-up!