Ben, Eden, Andy and I are very excited to let you all know that soon we will have another Wolfe in the family! Baby #3 is due January 28, 2012! I have been much more sick than I was with Andy and have struggled with my limited food options here when certain things sound good to me. I’m now 13 weeks and still can’t stand the sight of raw meat or the smell of meat cooking. I have been able to eat chicken again over the last couple of weeks as long as someone else prepares it. We’re all hoping that I feel better soon!
Eden is very excited and has already told us several times that she is sick because she has a baby in her belly. She thinks the baby is a boy and likes to pat my tummy and give it kisses. Andy doesn’t really care, but if you ask where the baby is he will pull up his shirt and show you his belly.
We have had a couple of ultrasounds already and everything looked good. We’re planning on having another one in a few weeks so that we can find out if we’re having a boy or a girl.
This puts a lot of hiccups in our plans for coming home from Kenya. We really need to leave by November in order to be home before my third trimester but it might be hard to get the visa for Eden to travel back to the US by that time. Please pray with us that we can all go home together in October or November and for an easy pregnancy and healthy baby!
Andy is growing up way too fast. He is getting quite independent and adventuresome in his old age. He loves to “wrestle” with Eden and Ben and enjoys playing outside. He has started squealing a lot which is hard on the ears, but it’s squeals of joy so it’s still pretty cute. Andy is very funny about being told “no”. He hates it and it starts a complete meltdown when he can’t do something he wants to do. However, he normally sits on the floor crying for a few seconds, then comes running over to Ben or me for hugs. He is still a good snuggler and has gotten much better about the hitting. He really loves his Twiga and carries it around with him so that he can quickly curl up with it on the floor when he needs a little love. 🙂
I recently took the kids down to the IU office to weigh them. Andy weighed about 30 lbs and Eden weighed about 28! I can barely carry the two of them together anymore, even though they both still want picked up a lot. We had to move a chair in to Andy’s room for bedtime because he is too heavy to hold while we sing and pray with him.
Andy’s favorite toys right now are cars and trucks. He can find a car or truck in pretty much any book and then just wants to stare at the picture. He loves to drive his Tonka cars through their little garage and has a couple of big trucks that he pushes all around the house. He also likes to spot them when we’re out driving so most of our car rides are filled with Andy yelling from his carseat, “Car! Truck! Bus!”. He is still very happy and easy going and we’re enjoying this fun stage.

Our lawyer met with the district children’s officer today to discuss our case. Diana had reviewed our file over the weekend and wanted to talk about some things with Were. They met this morning and she told him she has no objection to us being granted the exemption! She will go to court with us on the 25th in case the magistrate has any questions.
After we get the paperwork finalized for the exemption on the 25th we can apply for the adoption! We are so thankful that God has worked everything out so perfectly and with such speed! Thanks for all of your prayers!
Well, we didn’t get the exact answer that we wanted, but darn close! The magistrate said that he doesn’t have a problem with granting us the exemption as long as the district children’s officer says that it is ok. For those of you that remember our dealings with the district children’s officer (Phillip) at the start of our process with Eden, you are feeling nervous, which is how Ben was feeling. The good news is that there is a new district children’s officer now who I’ve heard is very nice. Were is going to see her tomorrow and she just needs to either write a letter or come to court with us on July 25 to give the magistrate her approval. This does delay us from filing for the adoption right away, but all in all, it’s pretty good news! 🙂
Our lawyer is hopefully going to court this afternoon around 2 to plead our case for the exemption so that we don’t have to live here for 3 years. Please be praying that Were presents our case well and that the magistrate grants our request. We are not going to court with him because the hearing is during the kids nap time. We will post an update as soon as we hear a result!