Well…I’m pretty late posting this, but we’ve been rather busy and I had to wait until we got Grace’s pictures back. 🙂
On January 26, Grace turned 1! It was a fun day which started with cinnamon rolls with a candle (she ate an entire cinnamon roll!) and then we played and did a little cleaning for her party in the afternoon. She LOVED her cake and was using two hands to shove it into her mouth. It was pretty cute, until she bit her finger and completely melted down. Although, to be honest, even that was pretty cute, right?
At her one year check up, she weighed 16 lbs, 13 oz and was 29 inches long. She’s still very petite, smaller than both Eden and Andy at this age, but she’s stayed on her curve, so Dr. Timmons’ isn’t concerned. I love it because even though she is one, she still looks like a little baby!
Grace is not quite as easy going as she used to be. She’s much more opinionated and likes to make her thoughts known by screaming at full volume. She isn’t walking yet, although she’s slowly getting more brave about standing on her own. She eats everything, often times more than Eden, and although she did her best to resist the switch to milk, is doing pretty well with that now, too. She’s a great sleeper, going 12 1/2 hours at night and taking 4-5 hours of naps during the day. We’ve limited her paci to just the car seat and her crib and she thinks it’s very funny when she gets to throw her paci into her crib when she wakes up.
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